Wednesday, April 29, 2009

{run run run}

you could say that it is a bit of an addiction. it all started two years ago when the best husband in the world gave me a pair of nike sneakers and the ipod/nike+ for christmas. it came just after i had recovered from being in a cast for 9 months and being advised to never run again. yes, i am an addict that does not listen to the doctors. needless to say, i started to run and never stopped. i just passed the 1,000 mile and have no intentions of stopping. running fuels my creativity, inspiration, and friendships. the above is an ode to the past 2 years. a good friend gave me the charm pictured above to commemorate the occasion. i LOVE it. check it out at thanks to all who have been their along the journey. here's to many more!!!


  1. Love this! You are amazing 1,000 miles!

  2. thanks heather! i couldn't have done it without you. here is to the thousand miles :O)
