Thursday, April 23, 2009

{earth day everyday}

living along the banks of the chattahoochee river has it perks. every morning, my dog berg and i walk along it's shores. frequently, we spot turtles, owls, hawks, cranes and numerous tracks of other critters. it is a simple and serene way to start the day. while many people are sitting on the near by interstates, inching their way to work, while meandering through the forest, i have already made my mental notes of what has to be done that day, gathered a few ideas of things that i need to sketch or conducted my first conference call. during earth week as every week, i strive to give back to this little oasis. small things done on a daily basis can make a big difference. i hope that all of you can take the time to to enjoy a little piece of nature this week and take some time to think about what you can do too.

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