Tuesday, September 3, 2013

{A Summer Essay}

Remember the essays on the first day of school, in 500 words describe, "The Best Part of Your Summer"? Well, we are not going to just let this summer slip through the cracks and we are not going to go down without a battle. Don't get me wrong, fall is my favorite time of year. As tempted as I may be to rush out and get that Pumpkin Latte or anything else pumpkin for that matter, as long as the temps are still in the high 80's and the humidity lying thick in the air, it is still summer to me. 

So, this week on our blog, we are going to look back at our months of freedom, travel and laid back attitude and share with you what has inspired us! As we are busy remembering the days gone by, hopefully the weather will turn without us even realizing and that fall crispness will be upon us. 

First stop: Northeast Harbor Maine:
I am obsessed with the blue mussels!!! I can't eat them, so I'll just enjoy their outer beauty. 

feeling like a little water color this morning and doing something just for the heck of it, not for a deadline. 

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