Friday, August 9, 2013

{a family trip}

Happy Friday everyone! WOW! What a crazy and fun week it has been around here. From back to school, weddings, booking our santa sessions, licensing deadlines, things have been all over the place in the studio. It seems a little crazy that just as we are getting back in to the swing of things and holding down some normal studio hours, that we just pick up and out head out on vacation. Well, call us crazy kids, 'cause thats just what we are doing. Bar Harbor, watch out, the Spotts family is invading! I used to spend a lot of time on the New England coast as a kid and my bones are just aching to get back. It's been far too long. One of the things that I am most excited about other than some good family time is spending a lot of time with my sketch book, just me and the pen and paper.  One of my favorite artists is Lowell Herrero. Now, I am not saying that any of my work is going to look nearly as good as his but I can only hope that I am just as inspired by my surroundings. 
this will be our family portrait next week. 

"cape ann"
my heart is always on cape ann! 
my sister and joke that this is us when we get older. 

 brings back memories of my summers in rockport. 

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