Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{up all night}

{up all night}
i so wish this was me right now, cuddled up in bed under the starts with a warm cup of hot cocoa. "up all night" is the next illustration in my "eliza" series. it pretty much depicts life these days with the now three year old. with her side kicks lottie and sheepy  on each arm and the stars twinkling over head, our dreams would be filled with snow kissed fields if only there was sleep to be had in our house these days. i am just excited that something creative actually came out of all of these long sleepless nights! i am thinking that this one just make the cut to take to Asheville. with only a few shorts weeks until we join the crew at Zapow Gallery, i better start getting serious about that list. 
here's to more sleep, more snow and more creative filled days!!! 

available now on a canvas or print at our etsy store

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