Tuesday, June 7, 2011

{ode to the mailbox}

As I sat on my sofa, drinking my Sunday morning coffee, I looked out the window and saw my neighbor put something in his mailbox. As he put the flag up, I commented to my husband, "what do you think he put in there?" His reply, "Why do you care?" It wasn't that I cared, but it really made me think. It's not like any of us, on a regular basis drop a note in the mail to a friend. How many of us actually mail out a birthday card? Perhaps it was a bill being paid, put rarely do we put a stamp on that anymore. It made me sad. I remember as a child, running down our long lane to the mailbox every day, in hopes to find a letter from my Aunt in Boston or my pen pal in Australia. Even today, I get overly excited when I see an envelope sticking out of the pile of junk that has the hope of being something personally written. I am not saying that I am any better at that anyone else. Actually, I think I am worse. You know the saying, the cobbler's kids don't have shoes. Well the stationer never sends a card. It's all I can do to get our holiday greetings out every year. So, now that we are half we through the year, I propose that you join me a "new years resolution" Once a month, drop something in the mail to a friend. Say hello. Invite them to dinner. Wish them happy birthday. Welcome a neighbor home from vacation. Send a note to camp. Say thank you. To help with this June resolution, all of our note cards with be 20% off for the rest of the month. Just for the occasion, we will be adding our "fresh picked" note package that will include a variety notes for various occasions.

Spread the word. Spread the love. Put up your flag!

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