Friday, June 3, 2011

{for the love of color}

i stumbled across this site last night and it was LOVE at first click! design-seeds was exactly what i needed to boost myself out of my design slump. with four major deadlines looming in the not so distant future, none of my normal tricks were working. i would gaze at the computer blankly for hours on end. i am going to ahead and blame on this crazy atlanta heat wave. i am however a northern girl at heart and even after the being in the she south for 12 years, i still can't adjust to the summers - i turn to mush! finally, in my haze, i discovered something that made me snap out of it. is clean, fresh, organic, and full of color. just the motivation i needed to get the creative juices flowing. let's hope it is enough to get me through the weekend and so i can cross some items off the to-do list! with the fan blowing on my desk and a large glass of my grandma's meadow tea in hand, i am back to the sketch pad!
just love these colors!!

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