Monday, February 14, 2011

{Happy Valentines Day}

One of the advantages of living in a hundred year old village is all of the stories and lore that comes with it. inkSpotts is nestled in a little cotton mill village just minutes from the bustle of down town Atlanta. City life is a stone's throw away yet, sit a spell on one of our front porches and the peaceful will put you a million miles away.

I was told this weekend of a Valentines tradition that used to take place amongst the villagers. I thought that it was too sweet to not share. On
Valentine's night they would "throw" Valentine cards to each other. They would place the cards on the porch and threw a rock. The sound of the rock hitting the wooden porch would signal a card was left. I LOVE it!!!! A tradition that certainly needs to return to Whitti
er Mill Village. Maybe it something that
we could all start. Spread the love!!!

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