Friday, April 19, 2013

{the art of a written letter}

My three year old is solely saving the art of the written letter. Great news to the Mom who owns a stationery business.  Ever since helping address our holiday cards this year, she is absolutely obsessed with writing letters. There is rarely a day that goes by without her sitting at her little desk, asking me how to spell out the names of friends, family, neighbors, even the horses at the family farm. Whether it be a thank you for a kind deed, a birthday wish, a lost pet condolence or a get well wish if you are feeling under the weather, you could be the next to one to find a small envelope in your mailbox. It has now become known as "getting Eliza'd"

After posting a warning or should I say explanation to anyone who mite receive a mysterious little envelope with three year old handwriting in their mailbox on my personal facebook page, the letters came pouring in. Stickers, a little bouncy ball, and then this beautifully hand-scripted post card from a sweet friend and field hockey teammate in New York City.  The look of joy on her face when she receives envelopes with her name on it it priceless. On a day like today when it is hard to see anything but  the horrible happenings in the news, it a ray of sunshine, a breath of fresh air and a little reminder that fear not - there is good in the world. It is a chain of a random act of kindness. A lot can be learned by the innocence of a three year old. This weekend take the two seconds to a jot a little note to someone that you love.
xxx happy friday!

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