Monday, May 21, 2012

Surtex 2012

We are so excited to exhibiting at the A Fresh Bunch booth this year at Surtex.  Pattern and Design is a new way for us to think, create and market ourselves. I have to say, I loved every second of it. Well, okay maybe not every second. I am not sure that I have ever had a project that created such anxiety for me. It felt like I was back in college again and the days were ticking away to when my thesis was due. Of course, in the final hour I had a HUGE surge of inspiration and I was at the computer all hours cramming until the final second.

Thanks Jenny, Haile and the rest of the gang for all of your hard work and representing us. We are bursting at the seems to see what come from all of it! Regardless, I am already thinking of what's next and filling up the sketch pad with more pattern ideas.
(These designs were created from letters that my Grandfather wrote to me Grandmother in World War II
It represents the trains stops that he would have taken from Philadelphia to Lancaster PA and then the ranch that they finally settled into and lived happily ever after.) I can't wait to make some pillows for my kitchen out of those cows! 

Stay tuned... fingers crossed we will have lots of exiting news to share post the big Show! 

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