Thursday, December 22, 2011

{from our home to yours}

The holidays are a little nutty around here to say the least. Designing starts in June or July. Shows kick into full swing in the early fall. By Thanksgiving we are up to our elbows in Christmas card orders and only two weeks to fill them all. The Bowman house is always the last one on the street to put up the lights and the men at the tree stand normally toss the pathetic, needless specimen on our car on the 20th with a HUGE discount. Our gifts are always late and our cards are never sent. And on Christmas day we check out with Santa, hot chocolate or toddy in hand.
After 10 years, I am extremely excited to say that we finally have it down to a mastered science. Not only was it in the biggest and best Christmas card season at inkSpotts, we wrapped up all of our customers' holiday greetings and even had time to stop and enjoy a few quiet moments ourselves. We are still in disbelief at how seamless the season was, considering in the midst of it all we did a kitchen renovation. Why not do everything at once, right?
Because our house is new to the decorating, baking and merriment scene, we thought we would open our home to you the days leading up to Christmas and spread the new found joy.

Happy Christmas and thanks to all of you for a very special year!!!

{baking day}

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