Thursday, August 11, 2011

{friday foto}

brandywine river museum
the rolling fields of kings ranch, chester county pa.
okay, so this week we are cheating - we couldn't narrow it down to just one photo. the entire week was about inspiration (and a lot of late nights of too many ideas, not enough time)

you never know what is going to happen when you take the long way home. first stop, the brandywine river museum, an 18th century grist mill that houses the collection of works of the three generation of wyeths. (three of my favorite all time artists) next stop, the rolling fields of king's ranch, historic horse country dating back to william penn. the area is still known for fox hunts and steeple chases and little did i know at the time, this little jewel, doe run farm. this farm to table estate is owned by the man behind anthroplogie, urban outfitters and terrain. what rock have i been living under? i had no idea that they were all based in the city of brotherly love. i can't wait to visit terrain at styers soon. i can't imagine what will come from that trip, seeing what has been sparked just by visiting the website. TGIF...time to give the creative juices a rest and enjoy and relaxing weekend!! we hope that you all enjoy it!!

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