Thursday, May 19, 2011


Last week, I shared the A Fresh Bunch Blog about where as an artist our ideas come from. As Lori says in her blog, ideas can hit you when you are least expecting it. Now that the inkSpotts 2011 Designs are ready to hit the market, I thought that I would share my design board. It's a collaboration of things that have inspired me to hit
the drawing board.

Ideas come from: a trip to the farm, a visit from nature, an afternoon shopping with the girls at Atlanta's White Provisions District, a Friday morning in Lancaster's Central Market, a bountiful garden, an old apron in Grandma's kitchen, www.pinterest sets my head spinning or an inspiring chat from a creative friend. Some of my best thoughts come while on a long run or in the shower (the only peace a mother of a 16 month gets ;D
If your a creative person, where does your inspiration come from?
Stay tuned to see the final products of our 2011 Spring Line!!!

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