Thursday, January 24, 2013

{Lets take this little show on the road...ASHEVILLE OR BUST!}

{new places - part 1}

Lets take this little show on the road...ASHEVILLE OR BUST! 

Ever since I went on a sister's vacation eons ago, I have had special in place in my heart for Asheville, North Carolina.  Whenever I have the chance to slip away for a weekend I jump on the opportunity. I love the culture mixed in with the natural beauty. I love everything from the endless outdoor activities, to the craft breweries,  the great food scene,  shopping, the best little coffee house or should i say double decker bus and the incredible art scene! I pretty much love everything about it but that monster hill at mile 13 in the half marathon that still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Seriously, I think I left a little bit of my soul on that street corner.  But otherwise, you get the point - I love Asheville!!!!

So, when Lauren from Zapow in downtown Aville asked me to join the artists in her gallery, you can imagine the reaction that I had. I think I may have landed on the moon. This year's New Years resolution in the Bowman house is our  new motto,  "going back to our roots". For inkSpotts, that means going back to where it all began - illustration. I am so excited to start putting my collection together. The licensing world is great, but can be very limiting. I am eager to explore the endless creative possibilities. Don't worry, I will be sure to share everything along the way. (whether you want me to or not.) 

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